It's Game Day for the Riders! There is nothing like a Saskatchewan Roughrider football game to get the craziness started in Rider Nation! Rider fans are renowned for being the most passionate (and some might say, the most crazy) fans anywhere. You will recognize Rider fans by their green-clad bodies but what is the most specific distinguishing feature is the watermelon helmets that the most devoted fans wear on their heads. Hence the term, 'melon heads'.
It's a busy time of the year for weddings as well. Sometimes it happens that a wedding of a friend or family member is on the same day as your favorite team's game day. Most fans will make the sacrifice (begrudgingly) to forgo the game and attend the wedding. But is a particuiar challenge for all involved when the wedding day is during the playoffs and your favorite team of all time is in the finals. I remember attending a wedding a few years ago during the Stanley Cup Playoffs and the series was down to Game 7 on a Saturday night. During the dance, some of the groomsmen had set up a television in a back corner of the hall so they would sneak off to catch a few minutes of the hockey game then wander back to the dancing on the other side of the reception hall. After a while, those few minutes had stretched out to 20 to 30 minutes at a time, with many more of the male contingent – and some females as well – crowding around the TV to watch as the action heated up. Well, the game on TV wasn't the only thing that was getting heated up! The bride was getting more than a little 'miffed' about her wedding reception being hi-jacked by a hockey game! The only thing that got the male half of the guests back to the party was the conclusion of the game – with about one half of the guys whooping it up because they were happy with the outcome of the game and the other half of the guys crying in their beer vowing that their team would win the 'big one' next year.
At another event that had the same circumstance (a playoff game during the wedding reception), the bridal couple already realized that the game might interfere with the festivities. What this couple did was have the Master of Ceremonies update the guests with the score every 15 minutes so the guests were able to keep track of the game. This approach worked better than the one used at the other wedding but it still was not the most ideal situation.
If at all possible, avoid choosing your wedding day during the playoffs. For some sports, the date of the final game is known far in advance (CFL Grey Cup or NFL Super Bowl). Many sports do not have a set date for the final games because it is contingent on how many games are played in each playoff series (NHL Hockey, NBA Basketball, or MLB Baseball). You know your friends and family best and know what sports the majority of your crowd is 'into'. You will be a considerate host and your friends and family will be very appreciative of your thoughtfulness if you take this into consideration when you are planning your wedding.
Do you want to know 'what's the score' when it comes to planning a 'world championship' wedding? Call (306) 244-8482 and ask for Wanda or send a message by email at info@VIVAweddings.com or vivaweddings@hotmail.com and we can get started with your game plan. The first meeting is always free!
Thought for the day
Go Riders!
- Wanda Graham
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